Counting employees under health care reform is not as easy as 1-2-3. The rules are quite complicated, and if not done correctly can have serious repercussions for your business. The final employer-shared responsibility ("play or pay") regulations have been issued and beginning in 2015, larger employers will need to either offer health coverage that meets the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or pay penalties.  Although the requirement is not effective until 2015, employers need to be gathering data and making decisions now.

In this 90-minute intermediate-level webinar, we'll discuss in detail which employers are affected and what you must do to provide coverage that meets PPACA's requirements.  We'll also detail the two methods employers can use to determine which employees need to be offered coverage, the recently issued reporting regulation, and how penalties will be calculated if the requirements aren't met.

(This webinar builds on information provided in our March 11 webinar. Click here to review the slides for that presentation.)


Janet Trautwein,
Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Association of Health Underwriters

Janet Trautwein is Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) in Arlington, Virginia. Her responsibilities include oversight of all NAHU activities and primary representation of the association to the media, government agencies and elected officials at all levels, the insurance industry, and the public.

Prior to becoming the CEO of NAHU, Janet served for many years as the head of NAHU's government affairs department, working with members of Congress on Capitol Hill and agencies of the executive branch, supervising NAHU government affairs staff, monitoring and analyzing legislation, writing and revising legislation and developing policy recommendations for NAHU. She has a particular interest and expertise in issues related to the uninsured, long-term care, high-risk pools and health insurance markets around the United States.

**To register for this webinar - please contact us at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0. **

Click here to view recordings of previous webinars.

This webinar event has been submitted to the Human Resource Certification Institute to qualify for 1.5 recertification credit hours.


Stephens Insurance, LLC
